Here are some helpful resources to grow in your relationship with God and study the Bible and Theology

Prayer- Tips and Ideas

Reading the Bible-Tips and ideas

ARTICLE - The Spiritual Effects of Distraction

Plan for Reading through the Bible in a year(PDF downLoad)

More Bible reading plans

31 DAYS OF UNHURRIED LIVING - Encouragement, Reflection and practical tips for unhurried living. take 31 days to slow down and enjoy God and enjoy life.

Lent Devotional - 40 days

Old Testament Survey Class - Dr. Mark Futato -

Church History Class - Dr. Ray Albrektson -

The God Who Is There - multi session series with Dr. D.A. Carson - An in depth Introduction to the Christian Faith and the Big Story of Scripture

Exploring Questions about God, Life and Christianity -,

Free Online Learning - Theology, Church History, Life Topics, Ethics, New Testament and Old Testament and more - video and audio content.