
Life Groups

In addition to our weekly large group meeting on Tuesday nights, we offer Life Groups - a place to connect in a smaller setting. There are usually 5-10 students in a life group. We intentionally keep them small to provide a space where you can connect more deeply and study the Bible together. We don't think life should be done alone and we need each other to grow in our relationship with God. We dig in and study the Bible because we need a source of truth that helps us to know God as he truly is. At a life group there is also time to share about your week and encourage each other, and pray for one another. We dive into some the big questions about life and God.  We support one another in whatever struggles we may be going through.  We celebrate with each other with something great happens!  We also look outwardly and seek to serve and bless our friends and neighbors.

Do you need to be familiar with the Bible or Christianity to come? Nope. Life Group is a great place to come even if you have doubts about your faith, or even if you aren't a Christian and just want to explore more about Christianity and Jesus. 

Life Group information is listed below.  Feel free to email the leader and ask more details and tell them you are interested.  You are welcome to come to any of the locations, even if you don't live in that dorm.  If you'd like to hear more or want to help start a new one, talk to Chris (

We have a variety of groups. Some are more geared towards first year students. Some are for those who are seeking and curious to explore Christianity. Some are based around affinity groups like a dorm, athletic team, fraternity men, sorority women, ROTC students, and more. Life Groups typically meet in various places on campus: dorms, athletic teams, fraternities, sororities, or the student center.

Life Groups - Spring 2025

First Year Student Life Group (class of 2028) - coed - We transitioned this group to integrate freshmen into the life groups below. But Freshmen dinners are still happening at 6:30 on Saturdays.

Coed Life Group in New Vassar - 8pm on Thursdays, New Vassar Mezzanine - Leaders: Wasim (wasp_e) and Ian

Women’s Life Group - Sundays at 7:30pm, McCormick West Penthouse - Leaders: Syndney ( or Ana ( )

Athletes Life Group (coed) - Thursdays at 8:30pm, Z Center Media Room (1st floor by main entrance) Leaders: Olivia Stoner (ostoner), Sarah Berman (sberman), Landon (landond), Olivia Dias (omdias77), Girffin (dgfisk)

Ignis (Afro/Caribbean community) - Wedndays at 7:30pm, McCormick West Penthouse Coed Life Group focused in the Afro/Caribbean Student community – Leaders: Anjola (anjola), Yoanna (yturura)

Coed Life Group (BANANAS - Next, New and Simmons area) Sundays at 6:30pm, Simmons Party room (end of hall on the second floor) - leaders: Catherine (cattang) and David (dkwabiad)

Coed Life Group in Burton Conner - Saturdays at 5pm - BC Porter Room - leader contact: Nia (nfelton)

Christianity Explored - Saturday at 8pm - A group designed for those exploring Christianity. Contact Kaylay ( or Mide ( for more details and location.

Want to help start one? Let us know. Contact Chris at cswanson [@]