Events — MIT Cru

8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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Cruesday - Open Mic Night!
8:00 PM20:00

Cruesday - Open Mic Night!

  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Tonight will be an Open Mic night - hear some stories of life change and faith steps. It’s open mic, so anyone can share how God has been working in your life.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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8:00 PM20:00


  • Student Center - Mezzanine Lounge, 3rd Floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Cruesday happens every Tuesday night.

Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Every week we’ll be meeting in Student Center - Mezzainie Lounge (3rd floor).

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Cru Kick Off with Pizza
8:00 PM20:00

Cru Kick Off with Pizza

  • Student Center, Lobdell (2nd Floor) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come hang with Cru on the first day of classes as we Kick off the semester together. The Cru worship band will be playing. Come see what Cru is like!

We’ll be meeting in the Student Center (2nd floor, in Lobdell) Lobdell is the big room on the side of the Student Center which faces Massachusetts Ace and the academic buildings. It’s easy to find!

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First Years (2028s) Life Group Kick Off - with Boba and Ice Cream
3:30 PM15:30

First Years (2028s) Life Group Kick Off - with Boba and Ice Cream

  • Building W11 - Main Dining Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Want to be in a Life Group (Cru small group Bible study) this semester or want to find out more about them? We are hosting a Life Group Kick off event at 3:30pm in the Main Dining Room of Building W11. W11 is right across from Maseeh. It’s the small one story building behind the chapel.

Come meet other first years and some of the Cru leaders as we introduce you to what we call Life Groups.

Life Groups provide a small group community for you where you can study the Bible with others, pray for one another, support one another and live out Christ’s mission together.

We will have an all-freshmen life group this year, but you are welcome to attend the other life groups happening as well.

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Church in the Chapel with Cru (non-denominational service)
11:15 AM11:15

Church in the Chapel with Cru (non-denominational service)

Join us for an informal church service in the MIT Chapel. We’ll have a short time of worship, short message, and time to meet other freshmen and upperclassmen in Cru. We’ll also tell you about some of the great churches near campus you can attend. Start of your orientation week focused on God and meeting some great people! Light refreshments will be served after. Parents are welcome to come.

Location: MIT Chapel (brick cylinder building near the big tent near the Student Center)

You can see a list of other churches we recommend in the area here. Scroll the bottom of that page and you will see a list.  


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Finding God at MIT - Worship Night
8:00 PM20:00

Finding God at MIT - Worship Night

Come Check out Cru during Orientation week! We are meeting at the MIT Chapel at 8pm. We’ll have the Cru Worship band playing, some student stories and a short message, as well as time to socialize and meet some new friends. Hope to see you there!  

If you can’t make it, be sure to fill out our connect form so we can get in touch with you.

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Church in the Chapel with Cru (non-denominational Christian service)
11:15 AM11:15

Church in the Chapel with Cru (non-denominational Christian service)

Join us for an informal church service in the MIT Chapel. We’ll have a short time of worship, short message, and time to meet other freshmen and upperclassmen in Cru. We’ll also tell you about some of the great churches near campus you can attend. Start of your orientation week focused on God and meeting some great people! Light refreshments will be served after. Parents are welcome to come.

Location: MIT Chapel (brick cylinder building near the big tent near the Student Center)

You can see a list of other churches we recommend in the area here. Scroll the bottom of that page and you will see a list.  


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Dinner and Life Group (Bible study) for First Years
7:30 PM19:30

Dinner and Life Group (Bible study) for First Years

If you are on campus and want to get an early start on finding a Christian community, come tonight for dinner (Pizza and maybe some Raising Canes chicken too), as well as some great discussion and Bible study. Some of the upperclass students in Cru will be there too.

7:30pm in Building W11 - Main Dining room. W11 is the small one-story building across from Maseeh and behind the chapel. Feel free to stop by late if you have a conflict at 7:30. We’ll still be there until at least 8:45pm.

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7:00 PM19:00

International Students Life Group (Bible study)

  • W11 Main Dining room (religious life building across from Maseeh Dorm) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come connect with Christian community at MIT. Tonight is a chance to meet other students interested in following Christ, growing in their faith, and building friendships with others who desire the same thing.

(Sorry for any confusion in the time). At one point the Guidebook app said 6pm. But it changed to 7pm. If you come at 6pm, we’ll be there too, but 7pm seems to fit better with the International Student Orienation schedule.

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8:00 PM20:00


Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

Location this week: Porter Room, Burton Conner dorm. Just check in at the front desk and come up to the second floor. The Porter room is the big room in Burton Conner with all the windows that you see as you walk down dorm row.

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Cru Hike
11:00 AM11:00

Cru Hike

Come for an afternoon of enjoying the outdoors and the beauty of nature at the Middlesex Fells Reservation. We will provide the transportation and snacks. Bring some water and additional snacks if you want them. Leave at 11am from MIT (pick up on Amherst St near McCormick/Kresge). Return around 4pm.

RSVP Here so we can plan transportation

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8:00 PM20:00


Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

We will be meeting in the Porter Room in Burton Conner. Just check in at the front desk and come up to the second floor. The Porter room is the big room in Burton Conner with all the windows that you see as you walk down dorm row.

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8:00 PM20:00


Join us for our weekly large group gathering. Music led by the Cru Worship band, speakers and discussions to explore the Bible and apply it to our lives, time to connect with others, and tasty snacks! It’s always a fun time at Cruesday each week. Come take a break from the p-sets and take some time to chill, laugh, and focus your heart and mind on God and his great love for you.

We will be meeting in the Porter Room in Burton Conner. Just check in at the front desk and come up to the second floor. The Porter room is the big room in Burton Conner with all the windows that you see as you walk down dorm row.

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Cru Kick Off
8:00 PM20:00

Cru Kick Off

Come hang with Cru on the first day of classes as we Kick off the semester together. Location is in the Porter Room of Burton Conner. Just check in at the front desk with your MIT ID and take the stairs for elevator up one floor and you will find the Porter Room.

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Finding God at MIT - Worship Night
8:00 PM20:00

Finding God at MIT - Worship Night

Come Check out Cru during Orientation week! We are meeting at the MIT Chapel at 8pm. We’ll have the Cru Worship band playing, some student stories and a short message, as well as time to socialize and meet some new friends. Hope to see you there!  

If you can’t make it, be sure to fill out our connect form so we can get in touch with you.

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